Managing Separation Anxiety

Managing Separation Anxiety

Some pets become anxious when their owners leave them behind, which can lead to destructive behaviors in some cases. Nobody wants to leave their pets in a stressed or sad state, but there are some things that you can do to make the separation less traumatic for your pets. Contact us at Highway 71 Veterinary Hospital in Cedar Creek, TX, to learn more or to schedule a veterinarian appointment for your pet.

Some ways that pet owners may help manage their pet’s separation anxiety include these tips:

Ample Exercise 

Dogs get bored so take them outside before you leave. Give them at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, like brisk walking, before you leave. Depending on the length of time that you will be gone, many will nap in your absence. If you have a cat, tire them out with games involving a laser pointer or even a piece of string before you go.

Boredom Busters 

Along the same lines, give your pets something to occupy them, like treats that take a while to eat. Frozen treats, food puzzles, and new toys may be some options that entertain and prevent bored behaviors while you are away.

Calm Reaction 

Do not acknowledge or reward over-excited pets when you return to them. Wait until they calm down to give them love and attention, otherwise, you are rewarding the behaviors that you want to end.

Consistent Routine 

Be consistent with your routine so that pets know what to expect and know that you will return. Practice leaving and coming home to survey how they will act and what they will do in your absence.

Veterinary Help 

An underlying medical condition may be the cause of undue stress for your pet. A good way to rule out something serious is to consult with a veterinarian.

Visit Us for More Information about Pet Boarding at Our Veterinary Hospital

For pet owners near Cedar Creek, TX, visit us at Highway 71 Veterinary Hospital. We understand separation anxiety among pets, and can help offer you pragmatic solutions. Call us at (512) 303-5444 for our pet boarding services.

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